Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Firstly what is language?
       "The free dictionary" defines language as, "Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols."
Firstly we have to distinguish the difference between, "communication" and "language". Language falls under communication as it is like a type of communication with other humans.

The way we use language, allows us to understand the way we communicate very differently, whether it is what the sender is trying to say or not. The way the current world uses language confuses some people, as there are many ways of communicating, for example:
1. Verbal communication, when you are talking to someone or people in person.
2.Written communication, emails, reports etc
3.Visual communication, television and video clips.
4. Sign language communication, used by people who are unable to communicate naturally.
5. Non-Verbal communication, non physical communication.
       There are very many other ways.

There are 4 ways of receiving language as Shulz Von Thun said,
 Self revelation: MUM:What a chaos! You're a slob! How can you live in such a mess!
                                SON:  Did you have a bad day Mum? 

 Factual Information: When facts are communicated to others.
 Relationship: expresses how the sender gets along with the receiver and what he thinks about him.
 Appeal: Saying or understanding something that is said "indirectly" 
       Depending on were and how we use language we can understand it differently. The word 'shit' can be used negatively, when cursing at someone or when something has gone wrong. But however its true meaning is 'FECES'. What is the difference between saying 'feces' and 'shit'? There is no difference however the way we interpret words is different around the world and this can cause problems to some people. 

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